Monday, March 12, 2007

Go and tell the Spartans, passerby...

Brotherhood. That's what this challenge has meant to me. The past several months have been quite a challenge for me, with being diagnosed with Diabetes and all the attendant health issues I have had along with it. I am still struggling with some, but my issues are small compared to some. It has been my honor to be counted among a great fellowship during this challenge. It has been inspiring to hear your tales and to struggle along side you in my own way. I set no records, though I improved my personal health . I achieved none of the goals I set for myself at the beginning of this challenge, but what I did achieve has improved my life, perhaps saved it. Brotherhood is what made the Spartans strong. Their shields overlapping, protecting their brother on their left and through that shared strength protecting their way of life. I can;t tell you how much it has meant to me to feel my brother's shield covering me, to feel the strength of that brotherhood on my right and on my left, stepping slowly but with purpose, knowing that nothing can stand before us.

It is easier to let yourself down than to let down your brothers. So when times were tough, and I didn't feel like getting up and going on, I could let myself be defeated, but I got up and stepped on that elliptical machine because I could not let you down. What small steps they seemed to be, especially in light of the things you have been doing, which have inpired me, but what important steps they were. My thanks to you, brothers and sisters of Spartan spirit, for you have lifted me up in times of woe, you have been in my heart in times of celebration. I pray to the gods that this brotherhood shall never be ended. I salute you all, and know that my shield shall ever be raised high beside you, that I will stride forward with you and hold the line unbroken, that no fear or woe will keep me from standing with my brothers.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Thank you, Q, for all your time and energy devoted to leading the Spartan Challenge.
Do I now have 6-pack abs?
Did I climb to the top of any mountain and look down and enhance my 3-D sense of the world?
Are my senses now acutely heightened?
I would have to say, not really.
But, my mind has been cracked open a bit and I realize there is more I can do to feel alive.
This may have been another sleepy winter if it wasn’t for the Spartan Challenge.
I may not have gotten up and belly danced in front of a crowd at the Hygenic Cabaret, with my good friend, Gus, as drummer. And without that, I would never had the chance to dance with Vic Thrill and find out what a cool guy he is. I guess I have a little crush.
Jumping into the freezing ocean at the Penguin Plunge for the Special Olympics, with firestarters/jesters Mike Fritz, Q, Susan, Sherrie Boldt, Randy and Blaze was a rush, as was jumping into the water at Eastern Point Beach, just for the heck of it.
I was heartened by Susan’s brave defense of her beloved cat, Brutus, by a vicious dog.
Just maybe, I wouldn’t have gone to yoga as often and tried to find mula banda and uddiyana banda. I am not sure still that I have found them, but I will keep looking.
Q’s story of the homeless man struck me, as I recently read “Nickled and Dimed in America” which talked about how close to the edge of homelessness so many people live in our country. Balancing helping others in need and enjoying life is a challenge to all of us.
The Spartan Challenge, along with winter, will be over soon.
The spirit will remain.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The Art of War

300- March to glory
There is a nice article in Time magazine about the 300,9171,1595241,00.html

Thanks Brutus!

Friday, March 2, 2007

Gates of Fire - Entering the Final Week & the Race of Death

As we enter the final week of the challenge, one last surprise awaits.
Randy Spellman contacted author Steven Pressfield and asked him to sign a copy of the book for the winner. The signed copy has arrived and will be given with the sword, to the winner next Friday.

Two last doses of inspiration for the final stretch,
1) Here is a great Mind,Body, & Spirit challenge known as Tough Guy-

2) a new book by James Prosek.

The last challenge to close out the competition is very simple - take some time this week to write about the experience of this years challange. Write about what its meant to you, the successes, the frustrations and obstacles, what worked and what didn't. Have you found, even is some small way, that each moment really does count and how much you really do mean to all the people around you.

Over 2400 years ago, 300 Spartans were offered to have their lives spared if they would only lay down their weapons. To this Leonidas replied 'Molon Labe!'

Let honor be to those in whose life
it was set to guard Thermopylae.
Never moving away from duty;
Just and equals in all of their acts
But with sadness and compassion
Brave once they are rich and when
They are poor, again brave
Coming to aid as much as they can;
Always speaking the truth
But without hate for those who lie.

Each day, perhaps seemingly in small ways, we face this same choice.
What will you choose? The be just and equals in all your acts, to come to aid as much has you can, and will you speak truth without hate for those who lie?

What say you?

Molon Labe!